Check out our tips on how to pass your exams to get your CDL!
There are many steps involved in getting your Class A Commercial Driver License, one of which is the Written and Driving Skills Combined CDL Exam. These exams require you to memorize a great deal of information. Testing materials range from driving maneuvers to general knowledge facts and truck inspection steps. Luckily, many resources are available at your fingertips that can help you do well on your tests!
Before we discuss the different ways you can prepare for these CDL tests, let us first go over the common topics you will encounter on each exam:
- Written (General Knowledge) Exam – Typically 50 Questions:
- General Nebraska CDL Requirements
- Basic Vehicle Controls
- Skid Control and Recovery
- Shifting Gears
- Space Management
- Cargo Weight and Balance
- Driving Skills Exam:
- Pre-Trip Inspection:
- Engine Compartment
- Brake Check
- Trailer
- Basic Controls (Backing Truck and Trailer)
- Road Test
- Left and Right Turns
- Driving Through Intersections, underpasses, and expressways
- Pre-Trip Inspection:
Now that we’ve covered what to expect on these tests, let’s discuss how you can prep yourself to perform well on your exams!
CDL Exam Online Study Materials
A quick Google search for “CDL Exam Resources” populates close to four million different articles, study guides, and practice tests. These study aids can be accessed anytime on any day. This means you can continue to study the important information you have already learned from your CDL Training School on your own time. Practice tests are also significant indicators as to what key information needs to be committed to memory. Lastly, several study-buddy apps are available on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. You can study on any electronic device while on the go!
In-Person Study Materials for the CDL Test
If computers and phones are not your jam, don’t fret! There are many physical copies of study guides, practice tests, and CDL Manuals that you can print online or get from your local Nebraska DMV branch. You can create flashcards that contain essential information and vocabulary words that will appear on the Written CDL Exam. Finally, you can ask your classmates if they would like to form a study group, which allows you to gain new points of view and study techniques for different topics, while also developing and gaining new friends who you may see driving alongside you on the road!
JTL Truck Driver Training Offers You the Best of Both Worlds
At JTL Truck Driver Training, we provide you all the above plus behind-the-wheel training, so you are prepared for each avenue of your CDL test. Our experienced instructors have over 100 combined years of truck driving experience and have trained hundreds of students to succeed in the trucking industry. They will be by your side every step of the way, ensuring that you understand all the necessary knowledge and skills that you will need to make the best grade on your tests and become the best professional truck driver you can be!
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